Saturday, September 6

Google Chrome

Google is again in the news. Thats not a news.

This time they surprised many with a new browser. People who downloaded and used was not surprised though. Do I see a major GOOG difference out there? No. There is no menu bar and there is more space to view. Come on. I did not care about the extra inch. I dont have that in many apps anyways and I am not used to work on that top margin of my display anyways.
The tabs can be dragged out as a window. So what?
Apps can have shortcuts and they run on a disguised browser when clicked. Hmmm

Google says the browser is not any more a tool that is used to view pages. This is a platform for running apps. I vote mutiple times on this. This is the key. Web is now a new Ultra High Level OS. Not a window anymore. This is a door where you can walk into and play your role. This is a place for interaction.

I believe this is a browser for their Android. Happened to be for computers too. They wanted something like a Safari on iPhone. I dont believe they will compete in the PC market where IE still holds 60% share. But on Android they will have 100% share. They can create iPhone and S60 version of the browser and let users download. Again, not a browser. The Google Apps package. Google Gears.

You can also browse


Anonymous said...

Its just ok ... I installed and tehn uninstalled :)

Will wait for a better version ~ something like firefox at least :>

Jojan said...

But Chrome occupies significantly lesser memory foot print, compared to FireFox and IE. Check the task manager