Wednesday, September 3

Politics heating up

They are going to decide who the next Uncle Sam is. For a change some thought it would be an Aunt Sam. Not there yet though.

The US elections are really interesting. This year too so. There are only two contendors. This is a place they spend more time battling their own party men than fighting the real opposition. Too much focus on individual. Of course they election is for a monarch for the next five years. So it has to be vetted at the personal level. Less experience, young Obama with an older Biden against experienced old McCain with a young beauty queen Palin. Reformist Democrats vs Reformist Conservatives (!). Reform is one word they want to win. Though it is basically between War and no War. Tax cut for business vs Tax cut for low income. Abortion vs Pro-life.

They call it democracy. But the billions they spend in the professional exercises that last for years is mostly coming from businesses. What for? This is a democracy where if you pay $2300 you get to shake hands with Obama (at least during primary). All the payers are rewarded with access into the "democratic" system.

Good to watch on!


Anonymous said...

The US election may have its own drawbacks, but it's quite gruelling unlike the Indian one. The candidates are put to thorough test, unlike in India. They face the people in town hall meetings and media interviews. I am sure in the US there is at least a facade of public commitment.

Muhammad Riyaz said...

you are right. These guys are vetted pretty well in all aspects before even they can become a candidate.