Tuesday, July 25

Japan is changing

No I am not quoting FT BT or ET. Not quoting Bush or Koizumi san. Not even Japan Central Bank.

I saw it myself today. Right in my office building. When I was coming to office today.

There were 6 of us in the elevator. And believe me, all of us were folding a foldable umbrella! No one had that ubiquitious Japanese kalan kuda. Imagine the Japan without these umbrellas. The wooden handled ones. The gaudy extra long leather handled ones for the fairer sex. The throw-aways that they sell for the needy when it rains. All the colours - red, maroon, pink, blue, patterned and plain, the branded and unbranded.

I was thinking about this change when I walked in to my cubicle. And then again shocked seeing a colleague folding a four fold umbrella!

Indeed Japan is changing.

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