Tuesday, November 28

What I say and what I do

I am busy these days

More work in office. Or just say work in office. Planned vacation at a stone's throw. Make sure people don't throw stones on me while I am on vacation.

People who have been close and have always asked me advices are still asking. And I am trying to tell them how to be cheerful, how to come out of issues and ramp up from the troughs of the emotional cycle. And I am still not giving up on the kids on the stacking blocks game. I am telling them how and why stacking is an interesting game, how challenging is to make sure the blocks are in place and that there is a proper place for every block they come across.

Below all the juicy flesh, below all the tasty pulp, there lies the sour part of the fruit. Like the ugly and the dirty manifesting as beauty of the night lamps go off. There I lie in my own emotional cycle.

Well, I could have written about the pulp and how tasty it is. I could have written about the sour nut and how beautiful it looks like and the the great role that it plays in the overall cycle. The fact that I did not choose to write those is the problem... thats what worries me...

Irene had all consoles for me yesterday. A cake I bought for her was nothing when compared to little small paper crafts she gave me with her "I love you" and "Its okay" messages. And she advised me to be in school with her mom from next time to avoid a mistake about time.

1 comment:

Pradeep Nair said...

Untangling the emotional complexitites of life is the challenge as well as the beauty.