Thursday, June 1

With Khalifa V

A day that was in dream for a long time. Khalifatul Masih comes to Japan, my parents come to Japan and we had a meeting with him. And this photo session. It was so natural and felt like we knew well and he talked so friendly too.

Irene could not read out her "Surah Al Fatiha for Children" in the later Children's class. She could just sit in the class. Ian, I dont think he bothered!

There was one more official meeting later where I saw a strict Khalifa putting his foot down very strongly - and still smiling and saying stories.

1 comment:

Asma said...

Assalam o alaykum w.w.!

Yes Hazur' so freindly and so witty ... u feel as if hppiness is flowing in your blood hwen you see him or meet him. I guess the jalsa went wonderful :)

