Tuesday, February 1

Of Glories and Frailties

While we climb up the glories of technology, tsunamis humble us reminding our frailties.

We talk about great technologies that keep humans together, of great communication gadgets and systems and the hottest stocks these days crawl along the technology that can search out anything anywhere. There we get unbelievable news of someone reporting "Yeah, we got the message, unfortunately we dont have contact info of anyone in that part of the world" and someone faxing the most critical info to a wrong fax number - hmm...sorry... the ministry changed a year ago.

We had a space shuttle landing on a Saturn moon taking instructions from the earth just two days before this.

We do have UNs and Olympics that tries to lie on ourselves that we believe we are part of an earth community. Does anyone of us believe UN is a "man's" parliament. That the start and end ceremonies of the great Olympics truly embody a sense of one community? Who can we fool? Only someone outside the earth? Probably tsunamis and such natural calamities - which are from the other world. Only they could bring some kind of unity among us. A role for the UN. A role for the military rather than just pulling triggers of bloodshed.

Anyway I found that frailties need be focused on. Glories and Glorified honors or "honorified" glories need attention too. I have created a separate space for all tech talk here

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