Monday, November 20

Freedom again

O ye who believe ! Why do you say what you do not ?

(The Holy Qur'an 61:3)

Well, thats become life. We do not do anything. Then we comment on what others do. Do a hair split analysis. Explain why it should not have been done that way.

Professional maturity means keeping what we do for living and keep actual life separate. What I talk is to get money to live. And then my life is independent? How is that? Well, you don't know modern management basics.

Who said world is progressing towards a free thought democracy. More and more theocratic nations on the rise. So far it was only Saudi, Taliban.. now we have France and the latest is Netherlands. Deciding on what people should wear and what they should not wear! You can think freely, express freely, kiss freely even xxxx freely. But the government would decide what you wear. Or to be exact, what you cannot wear additionally. In Japanese, the "plus alpha" is not allowed.

Well, if Jack Straw does not want people who want to meet him to go in so and so dress code, respect it. That his decision. You can stay away if you dont want to do that. If Netherlands says that all visitors should obey a certain dress code, do that or stay away. Same for Saudi or Taliban parts of Afghanistan. Respect them. Respecting them is part of the religion. Religion is not just putting a veil. It is opening up of mind.

Any country has the right to decide what is an acceptable social behaviour. Thats decided by the majority. (Though I fail to understand why a huge majority should bother by a small majority wearing an additional piece of cloth) But this sovereignty has to be respected for all the nations too. Speak what you practice.


Anoop G said...

atleast ur views have not changed :)

You had similar views when a delhi scheool forced their students not to wear "full" skirts..

You said "take it, or leave it"

But still why does a country like France is so much emotional about the issue - perhaps it threatens them ? They feel eventually everyone will be like that ?

Muhammad Riyaz said...

Good to know my views has always remained the same!

Someone tells me only around 100 people in Netherlands was using a full veil anyway. And these hundred people could get a discussion happening in the parliament. Amazing!

Dont know why this becomes an issue in a nation. France wanted to make sure that religion be not seen in their society. The dress code is a religious symbol. Purpose of school uniform is to make sure that everyone "look" alike. In that sense it is correct. But France knows very well that these symbols alone do not create a uniform society. Color of skin is still an issue in the most developed worlds.

Anoop G said...
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